Trampolines have been a huge part of our backyards for a long time. Having fun memories as kids and building new ones with your kids today are all thanks to this amazing technological innovation. However, unlike before, today’s modern designs now come with features that ensure better comfort and safety. Manufacturers now offer models that have foam covers on all metal parts. Synthetic materials are also used for the bed because they’re more durable and elastic. You also have nets that help catch those jumping out of the trampoline. But among all the new additions, springless trampolines are probably one of the most significant changes that today’s designs have incorporated. 

Springless trampolines are designed, well, without the springs. These springs were originally used to allow the elastic mats to bounce. Because of the hazards that they may cause, today’s trampolines have elastic bands holding the mats instead of the metal springs. They surround the entire bed and hold the elastic mat in place. The bands are sewn through holes around the ends of the mat and underneath it to provide more support.

These new types of trampolines offer different benefits as compared to its predecessor. And as mentioned above, its primary advantage is safety. Metal springs are hard and often scratch or pinch fingers, toes and skin, especially when they begin to rust. By using elastic bands, landing near the edge of the mat would be a lot safer and you won’t have to worry about rusting anymore.

Another important benefit of spring-free trampolines you get more durability. As mentioned above, metal springs rust. And once they start rusting, the material becomes weaker and you get less durability. It’s more costly to maintain and replace these parts in traditional spring trampolines. When you use springless ones, the elastic bands don’t rust and are proven to take more stress and strain without breaking.

However, some brands may not offer that much safety. Since not all springless trampolines are the same, choosing the right one is a very important step. Before getting a new one for your backyard, make sure to check for quality and durability. Also, look for trampolines that come with protective nets and additional foam covers. Don’t think about the price because cheaper ones usually offer less quality and put the user at greater risk of injuries and accidents.

 New designs like springless trampolines may seem safer than spring trampolines but be sure to follow all safety precautions regardless of what you have. The materials and designs may have changed but the risks are still pretty much the same. So prioritize safety and keep you and your family free from harm.

Visit http://www.premiertrampolines.com.au for more helpful tips.

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