Bearing a child can be physically challenging for anyone, even men. Women are all given the responsibility to take care of this task. Although having a child can be a very fulfilling experience, the road to achieving this dream is not an easy and comfortable path to take.

For a woman to prepare herself for a baby, she has to go through an ovulation process that is commonly known as menstruation. This cycle involves the release of an egg that then deposits itself in the uterus as it waits for a sperm to fertilize it. The woman’s body has to undergo a complex process of hormonal changes and physical symptoms.

Starting at the age of 12 or 13, a girl takes her first step to becoming a woman by experiencing her first menstrual flow. It usually ends at around 40 to 50 years old for most women. Once this cycle begins, each individual will experience a series of symptoms that could last for a couple of days every month for at least 20-30 years. These symptoms may include increased pelvic pressure, mood swings, heightened irritability, soreness of the breasts, bloating, fatigue, headache and even backache. While many consider this as part of the menstrual cycle, other women experience a higher level of pain and discomfort; not to mention misdiagnosis on other physical conditions that manifest the same signs and symptoms.

It may seem unfair for all of us to bear all these problems, especially for women who don’t want to have any more children or those who have reached a certain age in which pregnancy is less viable and risky. Luckily, women don’t have to take injectable contraceptives and hormonal medication or make use of IUD’s and undergo operation just to manipulate their menstrual period. Today, we now have a more effective and less invasive procedure that women can choose. It is called Stopflo Endometrial Ablation.

This FDA approved healthcare procedure involves the removal of the uterine lining through a simple and minimally invasive operation. It only takes about an hour under mild sedation to finish and those who have gone through the procedure could resume all their daily activities within about two days after.

After Stopflo Endometrial Ablation, women no longer have to experience the negative physical symptoms of menstruation. Thanks to this new technological innovation, the impacts of more invasive surgical procedures and treatment medications may soon be a thing of the past. However, if you plan on considering this option, it would be advisable to consult your physician to ensure that it would be the best choice for you.  

Don’t let your menstrual period ruin your life. Women deserve to be healthy and happy at the same time. Check out http://www.drsweeten.com to know more about women's health. 

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